OIB-TAC Research Articles Collection
In partnership with the Aging and Vision Loss National Coalition (AVLNC) and VisionServe Alliance (VSA), the Older Individuals who are Blind Technical Assistance Center (OIB-TAC) recently published a Research Articles Collection (RAC) on their website.

Seeing a gap between available published academic research and the ability of practitioners and administrators in vision rehabilitation to access that information, the RAC is a curated collection of relevant research to support grant writing and inform direct service.
The partnership was started by the Data and Research Sub-Committee through the AVLNC. This committee consists of administrators, direct service providers, and researchers in the field of blindness and low vision (B/LV). As one of the many standing committees from the AVLNC, their goal is to make services better for people with B/LV.
The RAC currently consists of articles from the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) report, but the committee is continually working on reviewing and adding articles to the collection. They are actively working on developing a rubric to decide what articles will be included.
The OIB-TAC is honored to be a part of this partnership and host the RAC on its website. Many months went into the planning of the RAC, including accessibility testing of the search component. The search features allow the user to conduct an open-ended search based on topic, author, year, and keywords. The information provided also indicates if the article is available through free or paid access.
We invite you to review the RAC and provide any feedback by emailing Polly Abbott at pabbott@colled.msstate.edu.
Current Research Highlight: Exploring Employment for People who are Blind or Have Low Vision Through Analysis of National Datasets
Data is readily available on employment rates of people with B/LV, but not much research focuses on the details of their employment status. The purpose of this project is to investigate employment outcomes beyond basic employment rates and explore predictors of employment for people who are B/LV.
For this research project, we are using five large national datasets to discover facets of employment for B/LV individuals such as job quality, underemployment, earnings, self-employment, and continuity of employment. These national datasets include: (1) American Community Survey (ACS), (2) Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP), (3) Health and Retirement Study (HRS), (4) National Longitudinal Transition Study 2012, (5) National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997.
In 2022, we released a series of five articles in the Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness (JVIB) that detail some of these specific facets of employment with SIPP and ACS data. This Beyond Employment Rates series compare data sets on people with B/LV and those who are sighted on employment factors such as continuity of employment and earnings. They also explore Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) for people with B/LV and their average annual income. We have additionally released five infographics to highlight the findings of each article.
- McDonnall, M. C., Cmar, J. L., & McKnight, Z. S. (2022). Beyond employment rates: Full-time vs. part-time employment for people with visual impairments. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 116(1), 7-13.
- McDonnall, M. C., Cmar, J. L., & McKnight, Z. S. (2022). Beyond employment rates: Continuity of employment for people with visual impairments. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 116(2), 275-280.
- McDonnall, M. C., Cmar, J. L., & McKnight, Z. S. (2022). Beyond employment rates: Social Security disability benefit receipt and work among people with visual impairments. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 116(3), 396-403.
- McDonnall, M. C., Cmar, J. L., & McKnight, Z. S. (2022). Beyond employment rates: Earnings of people with visual impairments. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 116(4), 526-532.
- McDonnall, M. C., Cmar, J. L., & McKnight, Z. S. (2022). Beyond employment rates: Self-employment and other categories of work among people with visual impairments. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 116(5), 729-735.
During the third year of the project, we are focusing on using HRS data to explore the impact of developing B/LV later in life on employment and factors that predict whether employed people who develop B/LV continue working.
This project will aid the B/LV population by informing practices, policies, and programs for increased employment outcomes and economic self-sufficiency. For more information about this research project and to view the infographics, visit our research project webpage.
Training and Technical Assistance
Assistive Technology in the Workplace Videos
Assistive Technology in the Workplace videos feature people with blindness and low vision describing and demonstrating the assistive technology they use in the workplace. We recently added new videos about the Seeing AI app and the Ruby Video Magnifier. The videos are hosted on our NTAC-BLV website on the Assistive Technology in the Workplace page.
Transportation Resources
We have added additional transportation briefs as resources to help people with B/LV navigate public transportation options. The new resources include information on ADA regulations, different public transportation modes, and tips for ride hailing services. Visit our transportation page to access the resources.
Guide for Hosting a White Cane Awareness Day Celebration

The Community Outreach Guide: How to Host a White Cane Awareness Day Celebration (October 15) will introduce you to the history of White Cane Awareness Day, provide inspiration for activities (from a signing ceremony to a large, public event), and offer general event tips to support you as you create a successful celebration. From links to resources to sample invitations and press releases, the guide is full of great information!
Other NRTC News
Spotlight on Successful Employment
The NRTC has a new person featured in our Spotlight on Successful Employment! Rather than hold him back, vision loss has given Evan Schwerbrock a competitive edge. After suddenly losing his vision in 2014, Evan is paving the way for himself in the field of health and fitness. Learn more about Evan and other B/LV employees on our Spotlight on Successful Employment page.
NRTC Welcomes New Employees
The NRTC is excited to welcome new members to the team!
Karie Pinnix joins as the new Communications Specialist. In this role, she will utilize her experience in communications to manage social media, strategically disseminate research results to stakeholders, and update the center’s newsletters.
Emma Schultz joins as a Research Associate II and brings research experience in the field of disability, specifically focusing on Down syndrome and autism. She will use her broad background in psychological and disability research to support our ongoing research and dissemination activities.
Jamie Boydstun joins as a Research Scientist I with extensive experience in research and projects related to health, workforce, and transportation. She will utilize her range of analytical and reporting skills to support our ongoing research projects.
To learn more about NRTC staff, visit our Faculty and Staff page.
NRTC Recruiting Applicants for Vision Specialist Program
The NRTC is recruiting our next class of Vision Specialists in Vocational Rehabilitation. Our online graduate certificate program, funded by the Rehabilitation Services Administration, lasts one year (January to December). The courses are designed for professionals to help them become more effective in their work with individuals who are blind or have low vision. Applications will be accepted until October 1, 2023. To learn more about this program and how to apply, visit our Vision Specialist page on our website.
The NRTC is on YouTube
The NRTC has joined YouTube! Be sure and subscribe to our channel for valuable insights, research, webinars, and projects related to B/LV.
Publications, Presentations, and Miscellanies
McDonnall, M. & Steverson, A. (2023). Interest in and adoption of novel AT: Findings from NRTC’s AT in the Workplace Study. AccessWorld. https://www.afb.org/aw/24/5/18311
McDonnall, M. C., Steverson, A., Trinkowsky, R. S., & Sergi, K. (2023) Assistive technology use in the workplace by people with blindness and low vision: Perceived skill level, satisfaction, and challenges. Assistive Technology. Advanced online publication.
July 21 (2:00 pm CST) – Charles Bonnet Syndrome (CBS) & Why We Should Know About It: In this presentation, attendees will learn how CBS manifests and how to compassionately approach speaking with clients about it as well as research-based coping techniques and resources for further counseling. To learn more and register, visit our event page.
Antonelli, K., & Steverson, A. (2023, July 1-6). Resources from the NRTC [Conference session]. 2023 National Federation of the Blind Convention, Houston, TX, United States.
Antonelli, K., & Steverson, A. (2023, July 20-23). 4 to 24 transition app [Conference session]. The 15th International CHARGE Syndrome Conference, Orlando, FL.
Antonelli, K., & Steverson, A. (2023, July 20-23). 4to24: An app supporting parents of students with hearing and vision impairments [Poster presentation]. The 15th International CHARGE Syndrome Conference, Orlando, FL.